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Support the Ross Program

This innovative program has trained hundreds of deserving individuals in the methodologies of real estate and community development and has subsequently had a measurable impact on their land use careers. Consequently, Ross Program graduates go on to effect urban core projects throughout the country. A commitment to the program exemplifies the spirit of empowerment by providing viable opportunities to exemplary individuals many of whom might ultimately make significant contributions to the revitalization of America's urban centers.

Gifts will be utilized to support fee reduction awards, the development of program curriculum materials, case studies, data, alumni networking events and operational expenses for both the winter and summer programs.

As a result of your generosity, professionals representing diverse ethnic, racial and cultural backgrounds will be able to realize their dreams of becoming an integral and creative force for positive change in the urban core.

If you would like to support the Ross Program by providing a tax deductible contribution, donations are accepted online or by check.

  • Checks should be payable to the Ross Program in Real Estate and mailed to:

University of Southern California
Lusk Center for Real Estate
Ross Program in Real Estate
650 Childs Way, RGL 331
Los Angeles, CA 90089-0626

  • For online donations click on the "Give Now" button below to provide a gift. Under "Choose where to direct your gift." please check off USC Ross Program in Real Estate

Give Now

For more information on Ross Program support and sponsorship opportunities please contact Brandon Blair, Senior Director of Development 
USC Lusk Center for Real Estate at or 213-740-1835.