Research Briefs

Sixth Annual NAIOP USC vs UCLA Real Estate Challenge

Submitted by lusk-admin on

You are invited to attend the Sixth Annual NAIOP Southern California Real Estate Challenge. Each year students from UCLA's Anderson MBA program and USC's Marshall MBA and Master of Real Estate Development programs go head-to-head. USC leads the competition 3 to 2 and has won the last 2 years in a row. We are aiming for a 3-peat and plan to keep the Silver Shovel prize safely on cardinal and gold turf.

The NAIOP Challenge will be held on Thursday, April 10, 2003.

LuskREAF Event: Sustainable Development: The Toyota Motor Sales Campus - A Model for Success

Submitted by lusk-admin on

Join LuskREAF members for a panel discussion on Successful Sustainable Development.

Sanford Smith, Corporate Manager Real Estate and Facilities, Toyota Motor Sales, USA
Dan Heinfeld, Principal, LPA, Inc.
David Seastrom, Vice President and Regional Manager, Turner Construction

The program will begin with a networking reception and tours of the new facilty.

After Sprawl: Action Plans for Metropolitan Los Angeles

Submitted by lusk-admin on

After Sprawl: Action Plans for Metropolitan Los Angeles will be released by the Southern California Studies Center, Center for Sustainable Cities, and Lusk Center for Real Estate, at a forum at the Davidson Conference Center on the USC campus, on Friday morning, May 2. A bold vision for the future, we hope it will serve as a challenge to the civic and community leadership of Los Angeles as well as state policy makers, to address urban problems with effective, innovative approaches that make our city more sustainable. Everyone is invited to attend!