Immigration and Sprawl: Race/Ethnicity, Immigrant Status, and Residential Mobility in Household Location Choice

Submitted by Urban Insight on

Zhou Yu

Year Published
This paper, using 1990 census microdata, investigates immigrants’ residential location
choices that are relevant to urban sprawl. Regression models of two location choices are
separately estimated, in which households choose from areas with different levels of
residential density and new residential development. Measures are taken to account for
the lagged effects in residential adjustment. Research results indicate that race/ethnicity
and immigrant status are among the most salient determinants of residential location;
minorities are more likely to reside in high-density and older neighborhoods; Latino
immigrants have higher likelihood of residing in those areas than Asian immigrants;
while immigrants are somewhat more likely to live in low density over time, they do not
indicate a clear propensity for new residential area. Recent immigrants are not likely to
be the culprit of urban sprawl.
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