Research Briefs

The Lusk Center publishes research briefs on an approximate monthly schedule over the course of the academic year. The briefs provide condensed presentation of USC scholarly research in real estate and are oriented to the professional, academic, and policy communities. Individual copies of recent research briefs are available in printed form on this web site. The Lusk Center research briefs are disseminated widely among the real estate academic and professional communities.
Year Title Author(s)
2004 Winter 2004, Neighborhood: A Key Concept for Development and Planning

Greg Hise

Download(85.65 KB)
2004 Preliminary Results on the Effectiveness of State Enterprise Zones

Charles Swenson

Download(95.13 KB)
2004 Spring 2004, Research Compendium

Various Authors

Download(406.51 KB)
2004 Fall 2004, Warren Buffett's Call to Overhaul Prop 13: Some Preliminary Analyses

Keith Padien

Download(35.63 KB)
2004 Fall 2004, Commuting Trends in U.S. Cities in the 1990's

Harry W. Richardson, Peter Gordon, and Bumsoo Lee

Download(46.76 KB)
2003 Spring 2003 Enhancing Mortgage Credit Availability Among Underserved and Higher Credit-Risk Populations: An Assessment of Default And Prepayment Option Exercise Among FHA-Insured Borrowers

Yongheng Deng and Stuart A. Gabriel

Download(513.88 KB)
2003 Spring 2003, The Impact Of Urban Growth Boundaries On Future Urbanization

William Fulton, Christine Ryan And John Wilson

Download(131.68 KB)
2003 Spring 2003, Intra-Metropolitan mobility, residential location, and home ownership choice among minority and white households: Estimates of a nested multinomial logit model.

Stuart A. Gabriel and Gary Painter

Download(499.56 KB)
2002 Fall 2002 Do CRA Agreements Influence Lending Patterns?

Raphael W. Bostic and Breck Robinson

Download(457.8 KB)
2002 Fall 2002, Heterogeneity in Asian-American Home ownership: the Impact of Household Endowments and Immigrant Status

Gary Painter

Download(511.28 KB)
2002 Spring 2002, Location and Home ownership Choices of African-American Households in Los Angeles

Gary Painter

Download(55.22 KB)
2002 Spring 2002, A Test of Cultural Affinity in Home Mortgage Lending

Raphael W. Bostic

Download(50.79 KB)
2002 Winter 2002, The Continuing Decentralization of People and Jobs in the United States

Dong Hwan An, Peter Gordon and Harry W. Richardson

Download(115.72 KB)
2002 Winter 2002, The Demand For Home Modifications Among Seniors

Nandinee K. Kutty

Download(42.18 KB)
2001 Spring 2001, Industry and Urbanization In Southern California, 1900-1950

Greg Hise

Download(117.44 KB)
2001 Winter 2001, Finding The Blight That's Right for California Redevelopment Law

George Lefcoe

Download(227.3 KB)
2001 Winter 2001, In Defense of "Sprawl"

Peter Gordon

Download(53.78 KB)
2000 February 2000, Race Immigrant Status, and Home ownership

Gary Painter

Download(342.88 KB)
2000 January 2000, Real Options, Ground Lease Contacts and Marina del Rey

David Dale-Johnson

Download(441.15 KB)
2000 Winter 2000, The Composition of Metropolitan Employment and The Correlation of Prices Across Metropolitan Areas

Christian L. Redfearn

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