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Lusk Perspectives

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Real Conversations, Real Estate

During a time of great uncertainty and rapid change, connection and information is a more important resource than ever before. Today's issues could be amplified or altered in a matter of days or hours, so it is vital that organizations and thought leaders frequently share knowledge, dispel rumors, and offer insight.

Hosted by Professor and Lusk Center Director Richard K. Green, Lusk Perspectives offers timely analysis and shares accurate data vetted by leading experts on the latest developments and observations concerning policy, real estate, urban economics and more.

Once interviews are conducted, resources and videos will be made available here and on podcast channels as soon as possible.


Latest Perspectives

Fireside Chat with Lusk Leadership

July 23, 2020
Emile Haddad
Emile Haddad | CEO, Five Point Holdings
William A. Witte
William A. Witte | CEO, Related California

Lusk Chairman Emile Haddad and Vice Chairman William A. Witte join Richard Green in a fireside chat covering a broad range of topics. The seasoned CEOs deliver insights on how COVID-19 has impacted their business and accelerated industry trends, what habits will stay in the adoption of remote work, the importance of a renewed focus on equity and inclusion in the real estate industry for both developers and stakeholders, and more.

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Property Values and the Future of Cities

July 22, 2020
Christopher Mayer
Christopher Mayer | Co-Director, Paul Milstein Center for Real Estate, Columbia Business School

Christopher Mayer sits down with Richard Green to deliver a presentation detailing how real estate valuation is changing, especially in relation to the economy as a whole, and what the near and long-term future of cities may be. Though there is much to be concerned about regarding rent collections and mortgages, Mayer points out that the key to real estate valuation is estimating the new price level at the end of the recession. Mayer sees that larger cities will face big challenges, but large companies and young workers seem to be betting on the cultural payoff of urban density.

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Navigating the Economy in a Time of Troubles: U.S.-China & COVID-19

July 21, 2020
Ronnie Chan
Ronnie Chan | Chairman, Hang Lung Group and the Asia Society Hong Kong Center
Adriel Chan | Executive Director, Hang Lung Properties Limited

In a fireside chat, Ronnie Chan looks at Transpacific commercial opportunities amid mounting political tensions in the U.S.-China relationship and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Adriel Chan also joins the discussion exploring the implications for capital flows and real estate on both sides of the Pacific. Lusk Director Richard Green moderates the conversation.

Financing Perspectives: What’s Changed, What’s Here to Stay

July 14, 2020
Bird Anderson
Bird Anderson | Executive Vice President, Homebuilder Banking, Well Fargo Commercial Real Estate

Bird Anderson provides updates and observations on the state of the current commercial real estate and homebuilding market. Anderson points out that despite record high unemployment, the market is strong owing in part to the confidence buyers have that remote work will continue to play a major role in the work week. Builders may be cautiously optimistic, but Anderson insists no one anticipates current trends continuing in the long term. Richard Green fields questions about how builders are preparing for 2021, construction costs, and how foreign buyers are influencing the California market.

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Testing, Testing, Testing: Why Broad Testing Matters for COVID-19

March 23, 2020
Neeraj Sood
Neeraj Sood | Professor and Vice Dean for Research, USC Price School of Public Policy

Professor Richard K. Green and Neeraj Sood discuss why testing only symptomatic patients for COVID-19 misses the point. Professor Sood advocates for regular, randomized samples of the population to more effectively measure the mortality rate, spread, and recovery rates of the disease in Los Angeles County and beyond.

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