Global Viewpoints: USC Lusk Center's Stan Ross Sees an Upside to the Real Estate Downturn - Stronger Real Estate Firms January 20,2010

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USC Lusk Center's Stan Ross Sees an Upside to the Real Estate Downturn - Stronger Real Estate Firms
Global Viewpoints

...Stan Ross, chair of the University of Southern California Lusk Center for Real Estate, has been through 10 real estate cycles in his career and says there are many benefits to be gained from the current downturn if companies take the right steps to stay in business. In fact, he believes the survivors will become highly productive, more efficient, stronger teams operating with increased transparency for the good of the industry.

"We're going to wind up with some really solid companies by the end of 2010," forecasts Ross, who helped create the federal government's Resolution Trust Corporation 20 years ago to sell off non-performing real estate loans owned by troubled savings and loans...