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In the News

Date Title
12|6|12 The Fiscal Times: 10 Real Estate Trends to Watch in 2013
11|30|12 HousingWire: Election lessons
11|28|12 The Seattle Times: California's economy glowing, but not yet gold
11|28|12 The Oakland Tribune: Honeowners' mortgage interest deduction could be trimmed
11|28|12 The Bulletin: After years of decline, California shows signs of economic growth
11|27|12 Yahoo! News: Homeowners' mortgage interest deduction could be trimmed
11|27|12 New York Times: California Finds Economic Gloom Starting to Lift
11|27|12 The Seattle Times: Seattle-area home prices maintain upward march
11|27|12 Case-Shiller's Rise Signals Housing Rebound
11|27|12 Inside Bay Area: Homeowners' mortgage interest deduction could be trimmed
11|27|12 The Press-Enterprise: Six straight months of gains
11|24|12 Los Angeles Times: N. Hollywood senior housing complex caters to artistic tenants
11|19|12 The Wall Street Journal: Fiscal-Cliff Fix May Cap Mortgage Deducation
11|16|12 MSN Real Estate: Turned down for a refinance - now what?
11|13|12 Los Angeles Downtown News: With Apex Tower, an Uprising in South Park
11|12|12 Business Insider: Forget Red and Blue States: Different parts of the country are experiencing dramatically different recoveries
11|12|12 KCET: With Prices Sizzling in the Southland, Housing Market Looking Up
11|6|12 Long Beach Business Journal: Mortgage Interest Deduction May See Changes
11|6|12 Long Beach Business Journal: Approaching Fiscal Cliff Threatens Recent Gains in Real Estate
10|31|12 Press-Enterprise: Are mortgage tax deducations in play?