Los Angeles Downtown News: The Next Downtown Apartment Boom
By Ryan Vaillancourt. Tight Market Leads to a Wave of Activity, With at Least 10 Buildings and Nearly 2,400 Units Slated to Start Construction by Next Year
By Ryan Vaillancourt. Tight Market Leads to a Wave of Activity, With at Least 10 Buildings and Nearly 2,400 Units Slated to Start Construction by Next Year
By Alejandro Lazo. Record-low interest rates are out of reach for many homeowners, and a big reason is that millions are underwater. Obama and others are trying to assist them.
By Alejandro Lazo. The vast majority of Americans with mortgages have rates higher than those rock-bottom ones already being offered by the big lenders...
USC Lusk Center for Real Estate Director Richard Green on the state of the mortgage and housing markets.
By Jack Katzanek. Many believe that eliminating a tax break for homeowners that allows them to deduct mortgage interest would greatly increase the number of foreclosures.
By Wendy Lee. Small businesses worry about competition from a major retailer.
By Carolyn Said. Construction of new homes around the Bay Area is on an upswing this year, showing signs of a return to normal following its surge during the housing boom and its dismal retrenchment during the downturn.
By Kathleen Pender. Judging by the first and second presidential debates, you'd think the housing crisis was behind us.
By Jim Puzzanghera. New residential construction starts surged 15 percent in September to their highest annual rate in more than four years, as the housing sector continued to show signs of a burgeoning rebound.