Location, Market Segmentation, and Returns to Human Capital: The Privatization of China's Labor Markets

Submitted by Urban Insight on Thu, 07/26/2012 - 11:24

Yuming Fu and Stuart A.Gabriel

Year Published
Recent years have witnessed significant evolution in the structure and organization of
China’s labor markets. While the majority of workers remain employed in public work units
(state-owned enterprises and urban collectives), private sector employment in China has
expanded significantly. Labor market mobility has increased as well, both between those labor
market segments and across geographic areas. This study applies new micro-data from a unique
survey of urban workers to assess returns to human capital and demographic characteristics
among public and private labor market segments in China. The analysis controls as well for
systematic variations in nominal earnings among metropolitan areas, which arise due to locational
variations in nonpecuniary attributes and amenities as well as local cost of living. The analysis
enables computation of quality-adjusted wage differentials between public and private labor
market segments in China. Further, the study assesses the role of quality-adjusted earnings
differentials, pecuniary and non-pecuniary worker benefits, worker demographic characteristics,
and the like in the determination of expected worker mobility.
As expected, research findings indicate substantially higher returns to educational
investment among workers in the private-sector, relative to those available to workers in the stateowned sector. Further, results indicate only limited returns to worker age and work experience
among private-sector workers. Also, all things equal, female earnings remain significantly
depressed relative to those of males, even in the socialized state-owned sector. The analysis also
reveals the importance of controls for location-specific components of the worker compensation
Research findings further indicate substantial differentials in quality-adjusted earnings
across labor market segments. Those differentials increase with worker educational attainment
and serve to significantly elevate the prospects of worker job change. Results of the analysis
suggest that damped adjustments in public sector wages and benefits would serve to promote the
movement of workers to private employment, consistent with the goals of the newly-revised labor
policy. As is apparent, however, such a policy would serve to advance the economic prospects
of younger, highly educated, and mobile workers, at the expense of their older, less mobile
Research Category
