Mobility, Residential Location, and the American Dream: The Intra-Metropolitan Geography of Minority Homeownership: Los Angeles, Chicago, and Washington D.C.

Submitted by Urban Insight on Wed, 07/25/2012 - 13:58

Stuart Gabriel, Gary Painter

Year Published
This paper explicates the intra-metropolitan geography of minority homeownership. In so doing, the
analysis applies individual level Census data from the Washington D.C., Chicago, and Los Angeles
metropolitan areas to estimate three-level nested logit models (NMNL) of household mobility, residential
location, and homeownership tenure choice. The approach is unique to the literature and recognizes that
homeownership attainment among minority and white households may vary importantly owing to their
differential mobility and residential location decisions. Model simulation indicates that shocks to income
can significantly elevate the homeownership attainment of minority households. However, those same
simulations reveal that even in the wake of substantial improvements to the economic status of minorities,
their urban settlement and homeownership patterns remain substantially more concentrated than those of
Research Category
