Southern California Real Estate: Mid-year Report

Our distinguished speakers will provide insight regarding current economic conditions in the Southern California real estate market. Following a general overview of macroeconomic trends will be an informative discussion with top-tier professionals representing the development, investment, and lending perspectives. The panelists will also share their views of capitalizing on opportunities during this period in the cycle.

Distinguished Speakers:

Dr. Delores A. Conway, Director, USC Casden Real Estate Economics Forecast, and Associate Professor, USC Marshall School of Business

J. Bradley Forrester, President & CEO, The ConAm Group of Companies

Gregory R. Hillgren , President, CALVEST Realty Advisors, Inc.

Gary H. London, President, The London Group Realty Advisors

Gregory R. Richardson, Managing Director, Johnson Capital

John P. Wickenhiser, Senior Vice President & Manager, Wells Fargo Real Estate Group

Reservations - preferred pricing until 5 p.m. 6/2:
• $45 = Early USC Alumni/Students, USC Lusk, USC Marshall Partners, & USC Associates by 6/2
• $55 = Early General Registration by 6/2
• $60 = Regular Registration by 5 p.m. 6/7