Deniz Igan

Head of Macroeconomic Analysis, Monetary and Economic Department
Bank for International Settlements

Prior to joining the BIS, Deniz Igan held several positions at the International Monetary Fund, most recently as the Chief of the Systemic Issues Division in the Research Department, co-editor of IMF Research Perspectives and an adviser to the editor of the Finance & Development magazine. Her research interests include financial crises, corporate finance, real estate markets and political economy. Her work has been published in various outlets, including policy-oriented academic journals such as NBER Macroeconomics Annual and Economic Policy. She is a CEPR research fellow, a fellow in the EUI-School of Transnational Governance Policy Leaders Program and a panellist in the Zillow House Price Expectations Survey. Deniz holds a PhD from Princeton University.

Fields of interest

  • Financial stability and macro-prudential issues
  • International capital flows
  • Monetary policy