The USC Summer Program in Real Estate Celebrates its Tenth Year February 19,2002

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Important Dates

Application Deadline: April 15, 2002
Program Start Date: June 17, 2002
Program End Date: June 28, 2002
Information Sessions: March 11th and April 8th, 6:30pm

Call Irma Quintana at 213-821-1039 for more information.

Program Description

The USC Summer Program in Real Estate (SPIRE), part of the Minority Program in Real Estate Finance and Development at the Marshall School of Business, is a two-week graduate-level executive education program. The objective of the program is to provide participants with the skills and professional network necessary to complete significant real estate development transactions. This year’s graduating class will join over two hundred alumni and will represent the program’s tenth class.

Stuart Gabriel, Director of the USC Lusk Center for Real Estate and David Dale-Johnson, Director of the Program in Real Estate at the Marshall School of Business, are co-directors of the SPIRE program. The program is supported by local government agencies, financial institutions, non-profit and community-based organizations, educational institutions and the corporate community. SPIRE graduates include real estate professionals, government officials, key staff members of community-based economic development organizations and affordable housing sponsors.


The curriculum focuses on a wide range of issues associated with real estate finance and development. Students will participate in class discussions, lectures, case studies and will complete group projects. Courses include the basics of real estate finance, financial analysis, deal structuring, market analysis, real estate law, architecture, valuation methods and project feasibility. The program also includes course work related to urban renewal issues, including affordable housing, project financing and loan underwriting. The highlight of the program is a group-oriented feasibility study which requires that students apply and integrate the material they studied in a challenging “real world” project.


The SPIRE program is suitable for any individual with a bachelor’s degree or significant real estate work experience in the public, private or non-profit sector. The program is designed for any real estate professional wishing to significantly enhance their real estate education. All interested parties are encouraged to submit an application. Applications are available on the SPIRE website.