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Real Estate Portfolio: Industry Leaders Provide Insight into the Credit Crisis, Stan Ross Opines

May 31, 2009

Stan Ross, Chairman of the Board of the USC Lusk Center for Real Estate and Distinguished Fellow was quoted in the May/June edition of Real Estate Portfolio:

Words from the REIT wise; Industry Leaders Provide Insight into the Credit Crisis
Real Estate Portfolio

..."I predict that the housing sector needs to get to equilibrium before the commercial sector can recover. We'll see the housing sector recover in the fourth quarter of 2010 or the first quarter of 2011, with the initial signs of recovery appearing in the second and third quarters of 2010.

Right now, the focus is on banking. We need to see a return of the securitized debt markets before banks will be able to provide liquidity for the commercial real estate marketplace, which probably won't happen in the short-term..."

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