Is Airbnb Making It Impossible For You To Rent That Dream Apartment? May 20,2015

Submitted by hoyt on

The accusation is blunt: Airbnb, say some, is sucking up apartment units that otherwise would be available to renters. In San Francisco, that claim is spoken so loudly - by so many politicians - a city agency just filed a report on it. 

Similar claims are heard in Santa Monica, Calif., in Manhattan and some Brooklyn neighborhoods, a few areas in Seattle and also a sliver of Boston and adjacent Cambridge. True? False? Is that Airbnb host putting vacationers up in what should be your prime Greenwich Village flat? 

Some think such accusations are just distracting from the main issue at hand: housing inventory shortages.

“It’s a diversion," says Richard Green, the Lusk Chair in Real Estate at the University of Southern California. "Politicians are not dealing with what they should be dealing with to address housing unavailability so they are singling out Airbnb.” His nuanced point is that in most markets the number of Airbnb units is trivial and so whatever impact it has on apartment availability is minimal.