USC Keston Institute for Infrastructure, the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and the Los Angeles Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers are sponsoring the follow-up to the 2002 Los Angeles County Infrastructure Report Card.
Drinking Water: Moderator Felicia Marcus
WHAT: A follow-up conference to the 2002 Los Angeles County Infrastructure Report Card
The conference will include separate and sequential panel discussions on Urban Runoff, Transportation, Drinking Water and Public Policy. Each panel will include a moderator and participants from the public, private, academic, environmental and legislative arenas. The infrastructure areas chose for discussion were among the lowest scoring categories in the 2002 Los Angeles Infrastructure Report Card, all receiving grades of D or C-. The panel discussions will focus on
WHEN: Thursday, February 12th, 8:30 a.m. – 12 noon. Check-in begins at 7:30 a.m.
WHERE: USC Davidson Conference Center, Embassy Room, 3415 S. Figueroa Street. Parking is free in Lot T at Figueroa and Jefferson