Spring 2003, Intra-Metropolitan mobility, residential location, and home ownership choice among minority and white households: Estimates of a nested multinomial logit model.

Submitted by Urban Insight on

Stuart A. Gabriel and Gary Painter

Year Published
The sizable and persistent gaps in homeownership attainment,
particularly among racial and ethnic minorities, is the subject of
substantial academic research and policy debate (see, for example,
Gabriel and Painter( 2 0 0 2 ), Painter, Gabriel, Myers( 2 0 0 1 ) ,
Rosenthal (2001), Coulson (1999), Gyourko and Linneman (1996), and Wachter
and Megbolugbe (1992). While the U.S. homeownership rate rose to a record
high of almost 68 percent in 2002, the longstanding white-minority
homeownership gap of 27 percentage points was little changed: about 74 percent
of white households had achieved homeownership, compared with only about
48 percent of black and Hispanic households
Research Category