Pacific Rim Council Targets S. Korea November 22,2005

Submitted by lusk-admin on

Cultural activities are an important part of the Pacific Rim Council on Urban Development’s annual Roundtable Forum, recently held in Jeonbuk, South Korea.

“As invited guests of a local leader – in this case, Gov. Kang Hyun-Wook of [the] Jeonbuk province – we are often honored by invitations to participate in such activities,” said Eric Heikkila, professor in the USC School of Policy, Planning, and Development and director of the school’s International Initiative. “It adds a wonderfully gracious note to the proceedings.”

Founded in 1989, the PRCUD is comprised of about 20 urbanism experts from around the world. Each forum spotlights a case study from the Pacific region that deepens the group’s understanding of urban development outcomes, issues and policies.