National Real Estate Investor: Growth in India and China Hastens SoCal Industrial Market Recovery December 11,2009

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Growth in India and China Hastens SoCal Industrial Market Recovery
National Real Estate Investor
By Sibley Fleming

... Although Southern California's office market will continue to suffer next year, the industrial market is poised to emerge from the recession because strong growth in India and China is fueling demand for U.S. goods. That's according to the 2010 Casden Industrial and Office Market Forecast by the University of Southern California Lusk Center for Real Estate.
"Heightened traffic at the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach will create more jobs and an increased need for warehousing across Southern California. And the expected growth nationwide in green technology, education and healthcare should bode well for the recovery of LA's office markets in 2011," said Tracey Seslen Ph.D., co-author of the Casden Real Estate Economics Forecast...