National Mortgage News: HUD Recruits USC Housing Expert for FHA Advisor Post July 20,2015

Submitted by hoyt on

The Department of Housing and Urban Development has appointed a new senior advisor for housing finance policy to replace Edward Golding who is now overseeing the Federal Housing Administration's single-family and multifamily guarantee programs.

Richard Green comes from the University of Southern California, where he is director of the Lusk Center for Real Estate, which focuses on real estate issues and public policy.

During his one-year appointment, Green will help guide HUD's ongoing efforts to increase access to homeownership and multifamily housing. "His expertise will be immediately leveraged both for our housing finance efforts today and to help set our future research agenda," HUD Assistant Secretary Katherine O'Regan said in a press release.

Green's formal title is senior advisor on housing finance in the Office of Policy Development and Research. He replaces Golding, who was named principal deputy assistant secretary for the Office of Housing in March, after acting FHA Commissioner Biniam Gebre moved to another position at HUD.