The MReport: USC Lusk Center for Real Estate Appoints New Research Director August 10,2015

Submitted by hoyt on

The University of Southern California Lusk Center for Real Estate, a nationally-renowned real estate research center, has appointed Rodney Ramcharan as its research director. Ramcharan has also been named associate professor of real estate and public policy at the USC Sol Price School of Public Policy.

At the Lusk Center, Ramcharan replaces Gary Painter, who was recently named director of social policy for the USC Sol Price Center for Social Innovation.

“The national and world economies are at a critical juncture and I can think of no one more qualified to lead the Lusk Center’s ongoing analysis of how real estate is performing as our primary economic driver,” said Raphael Bostic, interim director of the Lusk Center. “His research on major lenders and emerging global markets is particularly valuable to the center’s mission of informing the global practice of real estate.”