Vanessa Alexandra Smith

Program Associate
East Palo Alto Community Alliance

Vanessa Alexandra Smith (she/her) is first generation Afrolatina paralegal, organizer, and historian. Vanessa is a Program Associate at EPACANDO, a grassroots community development corporation in East Palo Alto that mitigates displacement through local affordable housing opportunities, and promotes community and economic development.

At EPACANDO, she is the caseworker and organizer for Palo Mobile Estates (PME) Preservation Project, the largest mobile home park in East Palo Alto. The PME Preservation Project aims towards ensuring Park residents’ rights are protected and to preserve PME as an affordable housing community asset in East Palo Alto, as well as assisting in the facilitation of residents purchasing their individual lots.

Prior to joining EPACANDO, Vanessa worked with the Public Defender’s Office in Santa Clara and Santa Cruz County. Vanessa also worked at Stanford Law School’s Immigrants’ Rights Clinic as a Program Fellow, visiting detention centers and assisting in the development of class action lawsuits. Her background is in case management, specializing in immigration and criminal law.

Vanessa holds a bachelor’s degree in political science and Spanish from San Diego State University and a master’s in History from the University of Leeds. Vanessa is an Alternate Seat on East Palo Alto’s Rent Stabilization Board and a Fellow at Urban Habitat’s Boards and Commissions Leadership Institute.

Vanessa currently assists with the development of a community land trust in East Palo Alto. She hopes to pursue a law degree in Land Use Law. Vanessa Alexandra Smith lives in East Palo Alto, California
