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Membership Benefits

Why become involved with the USC Lusk Center for Real Estate?

Access State of the Art Industry Research

The Lusk Center produces several annual publications and research documents that serve as both planning tools and industry resources to real estate professionals including the Casden Real Estate Economic Forecasts, Lusk Center Research Briefs, and Lusk Center Working Papers.

Set the Tone of Real Estate at USC

Lusk Center members create and launch new programs by participating on the Lusk Center Board of Directors or as a Center Member. Board and Center Members have the opportunity to evolve and support industry initiatives and set the tone and direction of the Center's programs and professional events.

Mentor USC Real Estate Students

The Lusk Center Mentor Program allows industry professionals the opportunity to mentor bright and energetic graduate real estate students and provide them with a valuable opportunity to learn from successful professionals in the field.

Recruit New Talent

Develop and sustain your firm's excellence and competitive advantage by recruiting future industry leaders and professionals. The Lusk Center produces an annual Real Estate Resume Book of graduate and undergraduate students and conducts one of the largest university real estate recruiting events in the nation - Real Estate Industry Night.

Attend Ground-Breaking Events

Receive priority invitations to Lusk Center professional events including the Lusk100 Annual Retreat, the Lusk Executive Briefing Series, the Casden Real Estate Economics Forecast, and many more opportunities to strengthen your industry knowledge and network with other leading professionals.

Guest Lecture in the Classroom

The Lusk Center Speaker Series brings industry leaders and alumni into the classroom. Guest lectures from senior executives augment the academic curriculum of USC's real estate programs.

Support Urban Redevelopment

Train the next generation of urban real estate developers in one of the nation's innovative executive education programs by contributing your expertise as a guest speaker in the Ross Minority Program in Real Estate. The mission is to provide training, expertise and professional networking opportunities to a diverse constituency of real estate developers from underserved communities.

Receive Associate's Membership

All Lusk Center Board members have priority access to membership in the USC Associates. Benefits include on-campus parking, athletic ticket priority, and invitations to a wide range of university-sponsored social and cultural events, personal assistance with USC requests, and a campus card entitling the member use of all university libraries. Members also receive an invitation to join the USC University Club and receive regular correspondence from President C. L. Max Nikias.

For additional information, contact Suzanne Ekerling, 213-740-5516.