This symposium will bring together scholars whose disciplinary affiliations segregate their studies of cities even when they analyze similar phenomena. Whether their questions focus on land use or social segregation, patterns of disinvestment or of gentrification, place promotion or NIMBYism, Central Business Districts or the formation of sub-centers, economists and historians are concerned with understanding and explaining long processes of investment and value, of path dependence and the inertia of past investment, and of how demographic change as well as changes in culture and ideas have shaped urbanization and urban patterns over time. The symposium organizers, Greg Hise and Chris Redfearn, imagine this workshop as an opportunity to bridge disciplines, to rethink research design, to consider collaboration, and to recast existing theory.
Presenters include: Michael Bernstein (UC San Diego), Jan Brueckner (UC Irvine), Philip Ethington (USC), Carol Heim (University of Massachusetts, Amherst), Chris Redfearn/Genevieve Giuliano (USC), Stuart Rosenthal (Syracuse University), Philip Scranton (Rutgers-Camden), William Strange (University of Toronto)
Discussants include: James M. Buckley (Citizens Housing Corporation), Kerry Odell (Scripps College), Kenneth Small (UCI), Michael Storper (UCLA), Kerry Vandell (University of Wisconsin-Madison and UCI), and Mark Wild (Cal State Los Angeles)
For more information on the Lusk Symposium contact the Lusk Center for Real Estate at (213) 740-5000.